Daily Archives: October 23, 2012

Chapter 12: When The News Isn’t Good

In the book Public Relations Writing: Principles in Practice, Chapter 12 discusses when the news isn’t good and how to handle crisis situations. When handling a crisis, it is extremely important for a PR professional to remain ethically sound, responsive, honest and timely. One should always “think public relations” when dealing with and writing crisis messages.

Knowing how to deal with a crisis situation is something that is so essential to my future career. It is likely that I will have to deal with many at some point, so this chapter is extremely beneficial to me. According to Treadwell and Treadwell, there are five things that I should be able to identify when dealing with a crisis:

1) Detection – Watching or warning signs of a crisis

2) Preparation – for a proactive or reactive response to the likely crisis

3) Containment – Limiting the duration and effects of the actual crisis

4) Recovery – The return to normal

5) Learning and Evaluation – To prevent or deal more effectively with future crises.

Knowing these five steps will be able to help me manage crisis situations throughout my career, and even personal life. These five steps might usually only apply to just PR, but I do think it is possible to use them in any type of “crisis” situation.

What not to do:


The iPad Mini

According to Apple, the new iPad mini is finally in production. This is exciting news for people of all ages, but especially for those who find themselves lugging around their laptop, iPad, and other technological devices to work everyday. It can be quite the heavy load when you add all of that on top of documents and other various items needed for work.

This new iPad will be equipped with many of the same features as the iPad 3 and the previous iPad’s such as the A5X CPU, 8 gigabytes worth of storage and will be priced at $329. The iPad mini will has have 50% higher resolution and a 163-pixel screen.

The new size of the iPad alone is tempting. Everyone always wants the newest, slimmest, and smallest item available. Knowing that this new iPad is going to be smaller than the original with probably a more sleek and sophisticated look, will make customers want the iPad mini even more.

However, many individuals are saying that there is no way that the new iPad mini could compete with Google’s tablet or Amazon’s Kindle Fire. These individuals think that the making of an iPad mini is a waste of time considering so many people are already satisfied with the other products that happen to be even cheaper than the iPad or iPad mini.

Yet, one great thing that sets this new iPad apart from the rest is the new iOS6 software. This new software is now available on the new iPhone 5 and can be updated on previous iPhones as well. I recently updated my iPhone to the iOS6 software and I think it’s fantastic. The ne software has over 200 new features to offer as well as a new look. This is something that I think iPad customers will really find beneficial.

Other than the iOs6 software, this new iPad will also have one of Apple’s most crucial components, Siri. Siri is obviously something the Tablet and the Fire do not have and it’s a big component as to why Apple has so many customers when it comes to their phones, televisions, etc.

In order for Apple’s iPad mini to become successful, it would be smart for Apple to consider customer expectations. If Apple promises their customers that their products are full of quality and are better than other competitor’s products, then Apple is a shoe in for selling many new iPads.
